Tesla Powerwall — Certified Installer in Florida

Tesla Powerwall is a fully integrated AC battery system for residential or light commercial use. Its rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack provides energy storage for solar self-consumption, time-based control, and backup.

Tesla Powerwall, the Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Pack for Solar Storage

With Solar

With solar and Powerwall, solar energy will continue to power your home and recharge Powerwall. Without Powerwall, solar will shut down during an outage.


Powerwall can detect an outage, disconnect from the grid, and automatically restore power to your home in a fraction of a second. You will not even notice that the power went out. Your lights and appliances will continue to run without interruption.


Powerwall FAQs

Is Tesla Powerwall available in Florida?

PPM Solar has been installing Tesla powerwall energy storage systems in Florida for the past three years. If you are interested in buying a Powerwall, we currently take reservations for installations approximately 90 days out, as there is a bit of a supply deficiency from Tesla resulting from a surge in demand. While Tesla is experiencing some supply shortages, we are working closely to assure that our customers receive their batteries as soon as possible. Currently, we only install them with solar projects. So if you are looking to go solar and invest in one of the best battery backup systems on the market, talk to one of our solar experts today and get a free quote! 

How much does a Tesla powerwall home battery cost? 

Tesla powerwall installation costs may vary based on the installation complexity, the size of service, and the number of batteries. For example, a typical critical backup may cost approx $15,000 including permitting, engineering, installation, and commissioning. A full house backup will cost approximately $20,000. To find out the exact cost for your home, please request an estimate.

Can a Tesla powerwall power a home?

In short, yes, but the number needed to do so may vary. When considering the number of Tesla batteries for your home, typically a two to three powerwall system will provide full house backup. To break down the Tesla powerwall storage capacity, a 1500 sq ft home with a single air conditioner will typically only require two powerwalls, while a 2000 sq ft home with two air conditioners may require up to three powerwalls. When additional loads such as pool pumps, electric vehicles, or other major appliances are taken into consideration, the backup may expand all the way up to nine powerwalls if needed. However, power consumption habits and the efficiency of the home may be the most important determining factor in sizing your energy system. 

How long will a Tesla Powerwall 2 last?

The second (and third - “powerwall+”), generation powerwalls use the same lithium-ion battery technology as the Tesla electric vehicles. It is tried and true, tested and proven, for over a decade. Tesla provides a ten-year unlimited cycle warranty on their powerwall products. But in reality, the life expectancy is much greater. Tesla also provides a complete energy management system that monitors solar, electric vehicles, and storage in one convenient app, so you can have full transparency of the amount of energy you have stored away. 

How many solar panels does it take to charge a Tesla powerwall home battery system?

A Tesla powerwall could be charged with as little as one solar panel, but it would take a very long time, and we don’t recommend that. Needless to say, they can be installed without solar, and provide backup for a limited time. Typically we install at least a 6kW system to support a powerwall, and ration 4 kW worth of solar panels (about 12 panels) per powerwall unit. Undersizing solar will hurt the ability of a powerwall to stay charged during a power outage and will defeat the purpose of having a battery backup. Ideally, energy storage is sized on a 1 to 3 ratio for full autonomy, meaning you can charge your batteries in one day to last you for three days ahead. This ratio assures that you always have power when you need it. 

Can you go off-grid with the Tesla powerwall 2?

There are a lot of misconceptions about what “off-grid” really means, and how much it would actually cost. If the home is completely off-grid, that means it is no longer connected to the utility company, which is not allowed in most municipalities in the United States. We have not come across anyone who has successfully terminated their utility services and gone completely off the grid. If your goal is to go completely off-grid while maintaining the exact same lifestyle you currently have, the cost of solar + storage would be above $100,000. The majority of that price tag would go towards backup that conventional solar + storage cannot provide. An alternative to going off the grid (which isn’t realistic for most, anyway), is becoming energy independent. Energy independence means the self-consumption of your own solar energy, which can be achieved for ⅓ of the cost of disconnecting your power from the grid. Those who are energy independent are still allowing the grid to be a secondary backup for their self-sufficient home.  

Can I use a tesla powerwall without solar?  

Implementation of powerwalls without solar can be accomplished in the following consumption modes:  

  1. backup only: all energy is saved for emergency backup power 

  2. cost-saving, time-based control: maximizing savings by storing energy during off-peak hours, and using it during expensive on-peak hours  

In backup-only mode, energy storage doesn’t provide any return on investment other than power availability. In cost-saving time-based control, you must be in a time-of-use billing situation, where it makes sense to store and use cheaper electricity. Because of this, Tesla stopped installing stand-alone powerwalls, and so did the majority of certified installers. PPM Solar can discuss a standalone installation, as we do them on a case-by-case basis. Discover the solution that is best for you and get your Tesla powerwall estimate here

How long will Tesla Powerwall power a house?

A single tesla powerwall has 13.5 kWh of usable energy storage. For comparison, about 80% of PPM’s customers get two or more powerwalls, and the average household in the US uses about 30 kWh per day. This means that without recharging, Tesla powerwalls will last about one full day. However, during a power outage, your energy use can be managed (turning off unneeded appliances, adjusting the thermostat, etc.) to make the energy last longer. Of course, if you have solar, you have a lot less to worry about. The Tesla app makes it extremely easy to see how much power you have left, and it will even provide you with alerts at set milestones to remind you if you are soon to run out. In events of emergency or medical loads, we recommend additional redundancy with a secondary power supply.

Power Production Management is a Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer