Why should you install solar panels?

Because solar is good for you, your home, and the economy

The decision to utilize solar energy has always been one to protect our beautiful planet, but equally a decision about economics and utility cost savings. Solar energy consumers have found their utility bills either reduced, cut in half, or entirely eliminated.

2019 was another record-breaking year as the United States doubled its solar capacity from 2015. Total solar capacity in the U.S. is expected to triple again over the next five years.


  • Average home solar panel system that PPM installs is sized at 10 kW, typically offsetting ~$1700/year, or $140/month in energy costs

  • 2.5 million solar systems were installed in US alone in 2019

  • Residential solar market in the US had the best quarter ever in Q3 2019 with 2.6 gigawatts installed

  • Solar industry employs over 250,000 people in America, which is 5 times more than coal, and 25 times more than nuclear energy.

  • When financed, we strive to achieve an overall lower energy cost with the solar financing payment, which means home owners do not experience cost of home ownership increase.

Global Solar Capacity